Every day, islands are disappearing due to sand mining.

But you can change that, by choosing to use building materials that don’t require any sand mining and support businesses that are building sustainably.

We can build better, transforming waste materials into sustainable concrete that 100% sand-free.

Sand quarry site

Concrete is the single most widely used construction material in the world, thanks to its versatility and the ease of sourcing its basic ingredients, consisting of sand, aggregate, and water. But the amount it takes might shock you, as every cubic meter of concrete on average requires 700kg of sand which is mostly sourced from mining.

Sand mining for use in construction has devastating effects on not only the environment but also the surrounding communities - affecting fisheries and drastically altering the balance of the ecosystem. This doesn’t just destroy not just the immediate environment but also places anyone living or working in that area at huge risk - with flash floods, decreased agricultural land, lowering water tables, landslides, and other major ecological disasters. And when the onshore sources are exhausted, sand miners are turning into underwater dredging, destroying seabeds and wiping small islands off the map, particularly in Southeast Asia.

While we can't live without concrete, there is thankfully an alternative. At EcoCrete, we use leftover byproducts from coal combustion that would otherwise end up in landfill as waste products and transform it into concrete that’s lighter, stronger, and more sustainable. This innovative formula means that we don’t need to use any mined sand or aggregate in our products. And the result is not only it’s better for the environment and for the communities affected by sand mining, but also for your project.

Calculate your impact

How many cubic meters of concrete will your project use?


by using EcoCrete instead of traditional concrete you will save:

700kg of sand

Each one of these little mounds, represents an entire tonne of sand that won’t need to be mined from the natural environment. Imagine the impact if we all made the switch to EcoCrete?


ready to make the switch?

Our sustinable concrete building materials are easy to use, affordable, carbon negative use no mined sand or aggregate. With one simple switch you can instantly make your project more sustainble.
